
Failed structural checks against OC4IDS project package schema version 0.9.4.
See Structural Errors below.
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Structural Errors

Error Description Error Count First 3 Examples Location of first 3 errors

amount is not a number. Check that the value is not null, and doesn’t contain any characters other than 0-9 and dot (.). Number values should not be in quotes.

  • 150000
  • projects/0/contractingProcesses/0/summary/social/laborBudget/amount

assetClass is not a JSON array

  • debt
  • projects/0/budget/finance/0/assetClass

numberOfParticipants is not a integer. Check that the value is not null, and doesn’t contain decimal points or any characters other than 0-9. Integer values should not be in quotes.

  • 25
  • projects/0/social/consultationMeetings/0/numberOfParticipants

type is not a JSON array

  • regenerativeDesign
  • projects/0/environment/climateMeasures/0/type

{} does not have enough properties

  • projects/0/forecasts/0/observations/0/value

{} does not have enough properties

  • projects/0/metrics/0/observations/0/value

Codelist Errors

The fields below use closed codelists. When using these fields, you must use one of the pre-defined codelist values. If you use a value that is not on the relevant codelist, your data will not pass structural checks. Where you see + or - this indicates that the codelist has been modified with these additions (+) or subtractions (-) by one or more extensions.
Field Path to Field Codelist Additional Values Used
status projects projectStatus.csv completed
You may need to create a mapping between your local codes and the OC4IDS closed codelists to address these errors. In most cases, there will be a ‘detail’ field where you can also include your local codes. If you have already completed a mapping, please review the spelling and capitalisation used in these closed codelist fields.

Additional Fields

Field Path to Field Usage Count Examples (first 3) Child Fields
test /projects/social/healthAndSafety/materialTests 1

Additional Codelist Values

Your data contains a number of fields that use an open codelist. You should use values from the codelist whenever possible, but if the codelist does not provide the values you need, you are permitted to add additional values. The values below do not appear in the codelist; you should check that you intended these as additional values.
Field Path to Field Codelist Additional Values Used
scheme projects/additionalClassifications classificationScheme.csv COFOG
Make sure you list the definition of any additional codelist values you include within your publication policy, and if you believe they should be added as recommended values in the open codelist, please suggest this via the OC4IDS issue tracker.

Additional Checks

Check Description Location of first 3 errors
The data includes fields that are empty or contain only whitespaces. Fields that are not being used, or that have no value, should be excluded in their entirety (key and value) from the data.
  • /projects/0/forecasts/0/observations/0/value
  • /projects/0/metrics/0/observations/0/value

This coverage report details which OC4IDS fields are populated in your data.

If a field is on an object in an array, then coverage is reported for each object in the array. For example, in a data file with 100 projects, all of which have 5 parties, the coverage for the partiesfield will be calculated out of 100, but coverage for its child fields (like parties.id) will be calculated out of 500.

Child fields are reported in the context of their parent field. For example, in a data file with 100 projects, 10 of which set publicAuthority, coverage for the publicAuthority field will be calculated out of 100, but coverage for its child fields (like publicAuthority.id) will be calculated out of 10.

It's not expected for all fields to be used (e.g. the source system might not have the data available), or for all fields to be 100% (e.g. a new project will be less complete than a finished project).